Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Pillows and Reptiles

There are many things I'll never be able to grasp in this world, electricity, boy bands, and what kids today call the "rap music."

No actually I like rap music and boy bands make sense because they're an innocuous sexual presence, but electricity I stand by because given a few thousand years I still couldn't come up with a solid explanation on that.

Now to the subject at hand, the coldness of the underpillow. Stuart Scott (largely annoying ESPN announcer) has a catch phrase that goes something like "As cool as the other side of the pillow" and it's as clever as it is apt. The other side of the pillow is cold and I got to wondering why. I think I've figured this one out, and it didn't even take me 1000 years.

Got to be heat rising and cold sinking right? Body heat pressurizes the pillow's underside and creates that cold part. For me this is a bonus scientific happening because I love that cold pocket. It helps regulate my sleeping temperature. Like a Reptile I'm not able to stand too much heat and so that pillow bottom really comes in handy.

I don't know why I mention this except to say that in this nuclear global warming age we live in it's nice to know that sometimes science really works out to our benefit. Cherish that other side of the pillow. It's mother earth making you an iced tea.

PS- Underpillow seems not to be an approved Microsoft Word® word. I say screw that noise. We're going with it.